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TranStar102-Cohort C 研究:Osemitamab (TST001)聯合卡培他濱和奧沙利鉑 (CAPOX)一線治療 CLDN18.2 陽性晚期胃/胃食管結合部腺癌的更新療效數據

23 Oct, 2023


Lin Shen1, Dan Liu1, Ning Li2, Weijian Guo3, Tianshu Liu4, Lijuan Zhang5, Xuelian, Zhu5, Chuan Qi5, Xu Li5, Xueming Qian5, Caroline Germa5.
1. Peking University Cancer Hospital; 2. Henan Cancer Hospital; 3. Fudan University Cancer Center; 4. Fudan University Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital; 5. Suzhou Transcenta Therapeutics Co, Ltd.


• Phase 3 studies (SPOTLIGHT and GLOW) showed that combining anti-CLDN18.2 antibody with chemotherapy significantly improved PFS and OS as first-line treatment for G/GEJ (gastric/gastroesophageal junction) cancer with CLDN18.2 expression above 75%, 2/3+ per Astellas CDx (~38% of all G/GEJ cancer patients).
• TST001 (osemitamab) is a potential best-in-class antibody with improved CLDN18.2 affinity and enhanced ADCC effect, leading to anti-tumor activity in low to medium CLDN18.2 expression gastric cancer animal models.
• The preliminary efficacy of TST001 in combination with CAPOX in the patients with advanced G/GEJ cancer was reported previously in ASCO and ESMO-GI. Here we present the updated analysis in the patients from dose expansion phase who had received TST001 at 6mg/kg Q3W and CAPOX.


• Phase 3 studies (SPOTLIGHT and GLOW) showed that combining anti-CLDN18.2 antibody with chemotherapy significantly improved PFS and OS as first-line treatment for G/GEJ (gastric/gastroesophageal junction) cancer with CLDN18.2 expression above 75%, 2/3+ per Astellas CDx (~38% of all G/GEJ cancer patients).
• TST001 (osemitamab) is a potential best-in-class antibody with improved CLDN18.2 affinity and enhanced ADCC effect, leading to anti-tumor activity in low to medium CLDN18.2 expression gastric cancer animal models.
• The preliminary efficacy of TST001 in combination with CAPOX in the patients with advanced G/GEJ cancer was reported previously in ASCO and ESMO-GI. Here we present the updated analysis in the patients from dose expansion phase who had received TST001 at 6mg/kg Q3W and CAPOX.